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Discussion in 'Editor's Lounge' started by Falen, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Falen

    Falen Donator

    Nov 2nd at 02:00 or 2 am the clock will change back 1 hour at that time.

    SLEEP in for that 1 extra hour for that one day out of the year. XD
  2. Caina

    Caina Been Here Furever

    Ugh...I work!
  3. Nova Caine

    Nova Caine The Great, and oh so Hungry!

    Extra $$$ :D
  4. Caina

    Caina Been Here Furever

    Extra hour!
  5. Falen

    Falen Donator

    1 hour extra over time =P
  6. Caina

    Caina Been Here Furever

    Ooh, I hope so!
  7. Kin

    Kin Been Here Furever

    Oh man that sucks!
  8. Zilch

    Zilch Grand Fox Overlord Former Staff

    Moved to Editor's Lounge

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