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Dickens' Pub Gamer Night (Calgary)

Dickens' Pub Gamer Night (Calgary)
Start Date: Jan 26, 2014 12:00 PM
End Date: Jan 27, 2014 12:00 AM
Time Zone: America/Denver -07:00 MST

Dickens' Pub
9th avenue 9th street southwest
Calgary, AB

Posted By: Forfeit

Confirmed Attendees: 0
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This event has already begun, or has already passed; RSVP has been since closed.
On the corner of 9th ave and 9th street sw downtown. No cover charge, reasonably priced drinks and good food.
The bar stocks an impressive collection of board games, card games, and other tabletop entertainments; there are also some console systems (though they seem to be strictly tournament fighter and very heavily dominated by some very practiced players--be warned!) and there is usually a table or three of people playing some d20 or similar games. They also encourage patrons to bring their own collections and try something new.
There is free wifi access, and I even spotted a table full of people trading pokemon on DS once.
Come hang out and relax!
Do be aware that this is an uncontrolled, Public space and not everyone is comfortable being "out there" as a furry so please be mindful of that.
Having been there a few weeks now I have not observed any cliquish behaviour whatsoever, everybody has been quite welcoming of everybody else to join in any games that have a player spot open, so it would be very nice to see us continuing that tradition should we start to exert a strong presence ourselves.
As this is a drinking establishment, unfortunately minors will not be able to attend. Sorry guys.
The bar opens at noon and closes officially at midnight.
Just one final note to be protective of your laptop if you choose to bring it. People ARE drinking and I would hate to see somebody get their valuable electronics spilled on!
I hope to see a lot of fuzzbutts in the coming Sundays. :3