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[Edmonton/St. Albert] Sunday Magic Event!

[Edmonton/St. Albert] Sunday Magic Event!
Start Date: Nov 4, 2012 12:00 PM
End Date: Nov 4, 2012 05:00 PM
Time Zone: America/Denver -07:00 MST

Mission: Fun & Games
560 St. Albert Trail
St. Albert T8N 5Z1

Posted By: NoodleDragon

Confirmed Attendees: 0
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Hey guys,

So a while ago I was talking about hosting some sort of Magic the Gathering event, as there really wasn't anything good in Edmonton. Anyways, I went and spoke with one of the guys from Mission: Fun & Games in St. Albert, and he said if I can get a decent amount of people together, we could do a casual event every Sunday there. It would most likely be draft, and the price would be the cost of 3 packs ($4.40/pack). You keep all cards you draft.

For the first little bit, I'll be personally supplying prizes for the winners, but if the event catches on and we can get a semi-decent turnout every week the store will start backing the event and providing things like promo cards and dice.

The event is still in its planning stage and wouldn't be starting until early-mid November. Just gauging interest at this point, and if I can get a good amount of people who are interested I'll pass it on to the card shop and get some definite information for you guys.

Mission is located at 560 St. Albert Trail, St. Albert and open from 12-5 on Sunday. If transportation is an issue, message me and we can figure something out.