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NAMP Skype Meeting minutes

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NAMP Skype Meeting minutes
Skype Meeting minutes
Confirmed Attendees: 0
Posted By: Lucied
Start Date: Jan 29, 2013 06:00 PM
End Date: Jan 29, 2013 07:00 PM
Time Zone: America/Denver -07:00 MST
January 26th, 2013 at 7 pm
NAMP Skype Meeting Minutes
Those in attendance are: Lucied, Falen, Spuz, Jake Tiggy, Hobo Takoda, David, Janice, Jalmu
We, as a group, have been invited to:
~Edmonton Valley Zoo
-Easter Monday EGGstravaganza
--Monday, April 1, 2013 from 12 pm – 4 pm. Would like a rabbit or bunny mascot, or something that can be related to Easter. We have been promised a $400 honorarium.
-Dreamnight at the Zoo
--Zoo has partnered with the Stollery Children’s Hospital to provide a night of free entertainment to chronically ill children and their families. The coordinator of the even asks that we donate our time due to using their budget for gift bags and other items for the children. Please go to for more information.
-Other events include Free Admission Day (September 29), World Animal Day (October 6), and Boo at the Zoo (October 27). Details are not finalized for these events.

David was introduced as webmaster, will be working with Jake, who is advertising director, and Jalmu, who will be the graphic artist for the website.
Janice was introduced as temporary coordinator, and can give limited legal advice. (Disclaimer: when Janice says to speak to a lawyer, do so.)
Rest of January, up until February 16th, is transition month. After February 16th, it is full steam ahead.
Falen brought up the subject of outside recruitment-continuing? Yes, however, we do need to do other things, such as insurance, so reduce liability.
Falen also brought up the subject of who do WE donate to. We are looking to partner with a charitable organization. Ideas as of this meeting are the Edmonton Humane Society, the Stollery Children’s Hospital, and the Youth Emergency Shelter Society.
Website- Jalmu is to help with artwork for the site, will coordinate with Jake and David.
Business cards-Jake is looking into two different companies
-Logo on front, information n back. Will have website, general email for that position, as made by David, and a space for individual to write their name and number to hand out to others.
Shirts-full name and website being added to shirts currently. Cost to be discussed later.
Slogan? Currently unknown, unsure as to if we will use one.
Photography-Takoda is willing to be one of or official event photographers. We have a person in Red Deer, who Lucied will be contacting.
Lucied will be speaking to WRC about doing joint events.
Advertisement banners for
Possible facebook page and advertisements?
Fur Eh-Will we have an obvious presence? Do have several members already volunteering. Janice volunteered to have a small booth set aside for recruitment and future partnerships for events.
Flyers? To be discussed by Jalmu and Jake.
Personal Record Checks- all members will have a background check, and a profile, detailing their character, with a photo, any and all health concerns that could affect events, such as current conditions and allergies, personal health care number, emergency contact, and their own contact information. This set of profiles will be kept by the treasurer in a secure location until such time as they are needed. Lucied and Spuz will discuss this further.
No “solid” lawyer as of yet, but there are two on standby in case of emergencies.
Janice and Jake-discuss possible radio and tv spotlights. Janice is to have a list of stations to Jake. Lucied will be going to the Bear himself.
Possible QR Code? May go on flyers. Will be between Jake, Jalmu, and David to discuss with Lucied further.
Jerseys-Anyone who previously paid $10 will have that count as a down deposit on a jersey. These are owned by the suitors and will be made to each individual. The styles are football, hockey, and baseball, though the option for a normal t-shirt is available. Jerseys will be customised with a name and number, as chosen by the individual purchasing the jersey. If you have a full suit, make sure size requested will fit over the suit. If you have a partial suit, also plan accordingly.
Will be going through AMA to register name, currently doing a NUANS search. All directors must be present at the signing of the documents.
Pride Festival-June. Possible NAMP float. NAMP will be present.
Lucied will be speaking with Representatives at West Ed Mall for possible events.
NEXT MEETING: February 16th, approximately noon. Possibly at Da-de-o’s.