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Vancoufur [In The News]

Discussion in 'Editor's Lounge' started by Chairman Phaū, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Chairman Phaū

    Chairman Phaū Been Here Furever

    Continue reading on VanCityBuzz
  2. Nova Caine

    Nova Caine The Great, and oh so Hungry!

    Great article.
    And I see they used some local AB furs for their photos too :D
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Zilch

    Zilch Grand Fox Overlord Former Staff

    Moved to Editor's Lounge for exposure.
  4. Drayyen

    Drayyen Whelpling

    Should also throw down some of the news articles about the syrian refugees reacting with the furries from Vancoufur. Spoiler alert: almost every story features at least one of my tweets xD

    I also spoke with NY Daily News and Upworthy so that's a plus. Basically, lots of good exposure for me and my fellow furs
  5. Sparx

    Sparx Whelpling

    VF 2106 was a blast. We made an amazing impression there :3
  6. Prairiedog

    Prairiedog Been Here Furever

    agreed.. the kids were super kewl and loved hanging with us.. Its just one of those situations where doing what we do is so appreciated by a young audience and young at heart too.. Win win for the fandom.. Arf Munchkin..
  7. Samurai Kai

    Samurai Kai Been Here Furever

    Had a blast <3

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